Paths to PEace

If we are to reach real peace in this world… we shall have to begin with the children. - Ghandi

We don’t have to be Nobel Peace Prize winners to be a part of creating a more peaceful and sustainable world. This fall, we are exploring the many ways students can create Paths to Peace. Students will explore how they can create their own inner peace, while also contributing to peaceful communities.


Peace is a concept rich with multi-layered meaning. Peace doesn’t necessarily have to be associated with or set up against the concept of war. Our discussions will explore the values of harmony, tolerance and cooperation. We will explore inner peace as our connection to our true and natural self. Having an open heart approach with others and our shared humanness as a pathway in creating peace with others. Peace can be tranquility, calm and equainminty, and also having to do with agreement, accord and rapport.

Essentail Questions

What is peace? What does it mean to be peaceful?

What does peace look like? How does peace feel?

How can we promote peace in our daily lives?

How can we create a more peaceful world?

How do we maintain peace when we are challenged by a difficult situation?

What can we do in our classrooms, our schools, and our communities to ensure peace, tolerance and inclusivity?

How can forgiveness contribute to peace?

Who do you admire that represents peace?

Inspiring Quotes and LInks

“Joy is peace in motion, peace is joy at rest.”

“Everyone should be given the chance to create peace and harmony in their own way.” - Aung San Suu Kyi

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to others.” - Mother Teresa

“Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding.” - Albert Einstein

Playing for Change, Peace Through Music