Endings and beginnings coincide as the Ghanaian school year closed in July, and our U.S. partners begin the back-to-school cascade in August into September. We reflect on our impact last year, as we prepare for the year to come. Ninety-seven percent of students surveyed reported participation in Children Inspiring Hope made them feel like global citizens with compassoin for others! As for our teachers- 100%! Beyond the excellence of these mission affirming percentages, it is the personal and varied ways students share this that touches, and inspires, us most. 

"You live in the world. We take from the world. And sometimes we forget to give back. As a citizen of the world, it is our duty to give back. We must prepare the world for the generations to come. Helping other people prepares us. But it also prepares other around the world for their new generations." - Lana, 4th grader

"It has given me the right to show love and care." -Jonathon, 7th grader

"I enjoy being able to not just see the world but be a part of it." -Stephen, 4th grader

"It has made me a better person and feel good inside in a new way. It feels great to make changes in the world." -Gavin, 4th grader

Our theme in the year to come is the exploration of what it means, and feels like, to be a Citizen of Earth. The start of the year is rich with the possibilities planting seeds of connection, hope, and compassion. We will share more soon, as we water these seeds, and the new year takes root. 

Amy Nedriga