
We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one. -Jacques Cousteau

To connect children cross-culturally in a tangible way is to connect them, help them re-member, that they are a part of a living network and the natural world. We connect learning to the natural environment and the innate natural creativity flows when given the freedom and opportunity. Red Sandstone Elementary students have sent block prints of all things beautiful and connected to water. These individual designs are adorned with their calls for helping to protect all that they love and hold beautiful. The children in Ghana have been awed to see these bold prints, and absolutely loved creating their own. The impressions left on the paper are also expressions of impressions shared and explored together.

Summit Charter School shared watercolors of beautiful vistas, surfing waves, flowing streams. The Prince of Peace partner schools took careful time and attention in their rainbows, rivers, fields of crops and fishing villages. They swamped us inquiring if we will continue to return to them, as they have loved everything they have learned and shared. Vail Mountain School 6th graders also sent beautiful large watercolors of sea creatures, pure water, along with notes. Many students brought their desks together, to combine their creativity and work together in reconnecting with their VMS friends.

When we immerse children in a generative learning landscape, we water the roots of an enlightened global consciousness that can restore life’s sacred balance. We remember from deepened learning experiences the power of intellect and imagination combined, the power of information and the power of relationships.